Late For The Sky
“Late For The Sky” by Jackson Browne is a record I know very little about. The reproduction of this cover and the original photo by Bob Seidemann, for “Breaking Up
“Late For The Sky” by Jackson Browne is a record I know very little about. The reproduction of this cover and the original photo by Bob Seidemann, for “Breaking Up
Let’s drive some place The scene is set on the hottest day of summer in Gent, it’s too hot to even have a fight with your girlfriend, so you put
“Brain Dead” is a sci-Fi movie directed by Adam Simon. For “Return To The Vault Of Fear” by Painted Faces, I’m creating a gallery of still images taken from horror
“Untitled #3” is the second single from Linda Smith’s “Untitled 1-10 Plus 1”. This time to accompany Linda’s music, a video directed by the Italian artist Marcho Gronge. Film editing
I like to receive photos of my covers and paintings, to know that they are treated well, that they are in good hands and in a nice place. Thanks for
If I ever have to make a copy of this cover, but I never will, I would try to make Ed Nolbed’s faces joined together to form the map of
“Japan’s next prime minister might be nicknamed “the alien”, but it’s his wife who claims to have had a close encounter with another world.” “While my body was asleep, I
“If you haven’t heard of C. Worth, I welcome you to check him out. My day was brightened when I opened a package this morning and found his copy of
The limited edition of Bingo Trappers’ “Sister Planet” is sold out. I painted all 50 covers planned for this series with the exception of the three copies that I will
There are only three copies still available of Linda Smith’s “Untitled 1-10 Plus 1”. For the first time in the history of Almost Halloween Time Records there will be the