Five years of German and all I can say are these few words: “Rocko und Rockine freßen eine sofa, In meiner Familie sind vier Personen: Mama, Papa, Bruder and Schwester, Ich sprache eine bißchen Deutsch, Bitte eine Pils”.
What a shame! Fortunately, the Little Whirls sing in English and the lyrics of their songs do not have two aliens, Rocko and Rockine, as their protoganists.
For five years Rocko and Rockine guided me in my German studies. That were what Virgilio was for Dante. Obviously at the end of the course, the aliens must have erased my memory because I only have a brief faint idea of what happened.
It always ends up like this when you are abducted by the aliens.
Little Whirls are from Hamburg, they have participated in almost all the compilations released by Almost Halloween Time Records and I’ve been waiting for this album forever.
Listen to “Eels And Smiles” by Little Whirls here.