Bingo Trappers “Karaoke Parkman Blues” has been reviewed by Ruta 66.
The original piece in Spanish:
“BINGO TRAPPERS Karaoke Parkman Blues
Escondidos tras la pantalla de Bingo Trappers, el dúo holandés formado por el compositor y cantante Waldemar Noë y el multiinstrumentista Wim Elzinga Ilevan en activo desde mediados de los noventa sin que el mundo parezca haberse enterado demasiado. lnjusto parece si nos atenemos a lo ofrecido por este apetitoso Karaoke Parkman Blues, un disco que invita a recuperar la abundante obra previa de estos incansables country/folk-rockers de ciudad. Adictos al descuido estiloso y a un groove constante especializado en los medios tiempos atractivamente desganados, en ocasiones pueden recordar a unos Luna que se hubieran criado en los años dorados de Laurel Canyon. Noë, verboso y con buena mano con las letras, entona con la efusiva dejadez de los jóvenes Dylan y Reed, y Elzinga se aplica afanosamente con el vocabulario básico de la Cosmic American Music. Finalmente, la fidelidad sonora da un salto respecto a anteriores esfuerzos, como guinda al que parece su disco más inspirado hasta la fecha. CARLOS REGO”
… that translated into English, should sound like this:
“BINGO TRAPPERS Karaoke Parkman Blues
Hidden behind the screen of Bingo Trappers, the Dutch duo formed by the composer and singer Waldemar Noe and the multi-instrumentalist Wim Elzinga have been active since the mid-nineties without the world seeming to have noticed much. It seems fair if we stick to what is offered by this appetizing Karaoke Parkman Blues, an album that invites us to recover the abundant previous work of these tireless country/folk-rockers from the city. Addicted to stylish carelessness and a constant groove specializing in attractively lazy mid-tempos, they can sometimes remind some Luna who had grown up in the golden years of Laurel Canyon. Noe, verbose and with a good hand with lyrics, intones with the effusive carelessness of the young Dylan and Reed, and Elzinga busily applies himself with the basic vocabulary of Cosmic American Music. Finally, the sound fidelity takes a leap with respect to previous efforts, as a cherry on top of what seems to be their most inspired album to date.”
Listen to ”Karaoke Parkman Blues” here.