A Tuzzo Lanto

Linda Smith “Untitled 1-10 Plus 1” in Paris

Luigi, Almost Halloween Time Records

“Ecco un assolo di merda” Did I hear it right?
Nobody knows the words of “Filimento”, it is useless to ask the Brown Tower, they have forgotten the words and there is no written version.
At some point I think I hear “Schillaci” or is it “Callaci”? The hero of the Notti Magiche or my hero? The top scorer of the 1990 World Cup or Shrimper’s boss?
I’ve always loved Brown Tower, ever since I got a copy of their first tape released in 1992 for the legendary Traumatone.

This compilation is obviously a tribute to Adriano Celentano and his “Prisencolinensinainciusol”, it is a collaboration between Almost Halloween Time Records and Lepers Produtcions.

Everest Magma bewitched me. It is useless to try to decipher “9:ES”.
I kidnapped a Santa’s elf, put some headphones on him and forced him to listen to the piece, more than once, sure of the deception.
But Everest Magma does not sing in a language known in Rovaniemi. I also tried a gagulo, I took off his hat, I cleaned his ears and forced him to listen.
But Everest Magma doesn’t even sing in the language of gaguli.

I have this image of Iji lined up by Maria delle sgagliozze near the cathedral. They wait their turn, they sense from their gestures that the lady needs a lighter, they listen to the voices of the people around.
The fishmonger who sells the stingrays, the child who serves at the tables in the bar, the lady who curses the boy who drives the moped and who had almost overwhelmed her.
They record the sounds in their head and back home they rework them, writing a piece in the language they remember hearing.
But perhaps all this has never happened, perhaps Iji have never been to Puglia and they have never had a sgagliozza.

“A Tuzzo Lanto” is the title track, it owes its title to a poem by Feynman contained in “Surely you’re joking, Mr. Feynman”.
The famous physicist who replaced his father at a father-daughter meeting entertains the participants by improvising a poem, inventing a language, pretending to know Italian.
Brilliant as Wio, who gave me a copy of the book and who puts Feynman’s poetry into his own music. The piece contains a sampling of Feynman playing percussion!

Superfreak are from Bari, like me. If you wonder how we spend our days here in the south, listen to their song.
We do not live on raw sea food alone, nor on prodigious mannees that fall from the sky.
We found ourselves on the web, him wondering who was behind Almost Halloween Time Records, me remembering where I had seen Superfreak play.
In an occupied social center, it seems. Then I lost track of them, they moved to Milan I have found.
Listening to the latest Superfreak album added fuel to the fire, “A Tuzzo Lanto” was born like this.

“Evil Eye Spell” has a long history. Caleb Fraid’s cousin’s husband finds a mysterious sheet of paper in his mother’s house. Pete must have talked to Caleb Fraid about it. One day I get a photo of the paper. Caleb Fraid asks me to translate it.
The text is incomprehensible, it is probably a spell, a prayer or a “sentenza”. The mother of Caleb’s cousin’s husband’s mother had arrived in the United States when she was 9 years old. He spoke the Guardialombardi dialect fluently but could not write it. The mother of the mother of the husband of Caleb Fraid’s cousin asks her daughter to transcribe the text.
There is no way of knowing what is written on it or perhaps it is better not to know.

“Kavok” is in the gobbledygook language and the Lovers Turn To Monsters are at the head of the relative Accademia della Crusca, the keepers of the secrets of this language and the innovators of it.

The official Lac Observation biography is perhaps even more cryptic and hermetic than the text of “Utnapishtim”. Owls vibrate in chorus by the lake, the lake is on an island and the island in a lake. A rain of ten thousand years and a west wind …
all clear isn’t it? Champollion where are you?

When I am in Spain I add an S to the Italian equivalent of the word I am interested in and I expect this to be understood and in common use. But most of the time the recipient of my message asks me to speak in Italian. No, an S is not enough and no, I don’t speak Spanish.
In France it is even worse, I think I am Catherine Denueve. GDC’s “Jours Avec Jennie” is believable, it really feels like hearing a French song.

“Safar safar arba huar”. If you also watched the Arab channel of erotic lines on the satellite, you know what I’m talking about. That Sheriff Lobo also learned the rudiments of the Arabic language on TV? It is said that the spread of the Italian language received a boost from TV, that Mike Buongiorno was the first teacher of many.

Ryan is sure that “Hochenkeit” is a German word. Ryan was a member of the Irving Klaw Trio along with Jeff Fuccillo and Jason Funk. Jeff Fuccillo is Wham-O and Ryan was a foreign student in Germany.
He must have heard this term on that occasion and the term became commonplace among the Irving Klaw Trio, taking on the following meaning: “as drunk or fucked up on drugs as you can get”
But “Hochenkeit” is obviously not a German word.

“Tired (Drunk) and Alone” closes the A Tuzzo Lanto program. It is the true story of the destruction of the Tower of Babel written in a language that has been lost and that only Ed Nolbed knows.

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Giuseppe, Lepers

I have been away from Bari for two decades now and the city is constantly moving away from me. As a morbid ex-lover, I watch it from afar, I have it told and I spy on it on the internet. In these moments of city stalking I crossed paths with Luigi and his beautiful label. I wondered but now where does this come from? I indigested his releases and within two messages he dragged me into doing something I no longer wanted to do: a compilation.

The compilations are often too long, lacking in compactness and annoy me. So a maximum of 12 groups (like the notes in an octave, like the Byzantine emperors of the paleological dynasty minus one), languages ​​that do not exist to relive the “babel moment” and only groups with whom we would gladly share a beer and a raw mussel on the seafront of Bari remembering the 12 years (some would say 13 but don’t believe him) of siege that the capital of Longobardia suffered from the Normans.


In music many things are said, but there are many that are silenced. Today the Bari Almost Halloween Time Records and Lepers Produtcions bring out the unspoken with a record of new languages ​​and clumsy attempts at cultural appropriation. A compilation inspired by Richard Feynman and his poem “A tuzzo lanto” and “Prisencolinensinainciusol” by Celentano, the lallation and what Saint Nicholas understood while the 62 Bari sailors stole his bones from Turkey.

A compilation dedicated to the acceptance of misunderstanding, which is used by Luigi and Giuseppe to introduce themselves to some of their favorite musicians and by deceiving them to celebrate the largest city in eastern Italic which is Bari, for those who do not yet know it.


Poici di Pare

TANto SAca TULna TI, na PUta TUchi PUti TI la.
RUNto CAta CHANto CHANta MANto CHI la TI da.
YALta CAra SULda MI la CHAta Picha Pino Tito BRALda pe te CHIna nana CHUNda lala CHINda lala CHUNda!
RONto piti CA le, a TANto CHINto quinta LALda ola TiNta dalla LALta, YENta PUcha lalla TALta!” 

Order your copy now or listen to the album here.