“Temporary Presence” by Naturaliste is a collection of live group performances recorded on January 21st, 2019 at Sandy Music in Shanghai mixed with individual improvised tracks recorded in Beijing, Oakland, Omaha, Pittsburgh and Shanghai.

Formed in 1988, “Temporary Presence” is Naturaliste first body of work in over fifteen years. The group behind this newest composition is Bryan Day, Christopher Fischer, Charles LaReau and L. Eugene Methe.
“Temporary Presence” is a corelease between Almost Halloween Time, Gertrude Tapes, Public Eyesore and Unread.
“Naturaliste project transform their finite supply of materials into shifting masses of abstract sound that extend well beyond any possible permutation of four-walls-and-a-roof.”
Jack Davidson (Noise Not Music Review – January 22, 2021)
Read the full review here.
“Temporary Presence produces an aural atmosphere filled with mechanical devices, clicking, chiming, breathing out a haze of electronic spirit.”
(Lostseasound – March 2021)
Read the full review here.
“Temporary Presence” is available through Almost Halloween Time Records in an edition of 28 copies with unique, always different covers.
Listen to “Temporary Presence” here.